welcome to
Brownsover Community CentreOur new Community Centre is attached to the Brownsover Surgery. It provides space for regular fitness groups, dance groups, singing groups, mother-and-baby groups and as a meeting space. It is used by companies as a training facility and of course is a magnet for children’s parties!
The brand-new community centre as integral with (but with its own access) the New Brownsover Medical Centre and Surgery. You will find details of all our bookings, when the Centre is available to book, and indeed how you can book the centre below
The Centre
All our bookings are subject to our Terms and Conditions and vary in price depending on whether it is for community use (either funded or not) or for private use. Email us on bovercah@gmail.com to make bookings, or in an emegency call our chairman Alan on 07798908972. If you wish to view the centre, please email or call us to make an appointment and we will arrange a visit.
We are increasing our prices from 1st April 2024 in line with those of Christ Church to: Unfunded community hire £13.50 per hour; Funded community hire £17.50 per hour; Private hire £22 per hour, and Party hire £55 for 3 hours.
To check our calendar availability, paste this link into your browser:

Reception Area
A Big Space
Audio-visual Equipment
Computer Zone
Speech area
Craft Space?
Movie Club
Fully Equipped Kitchen
Cleaning Room
Hire Form
If you wish to provide us with contact details for your activity, we are only too pleased to share them with our community so that they know what’s going on, when and where! We are encouraging all our regular hirers to do just that so that people will know when they meet, the cost and how to join.
we would love to hear from you
Contact Us
Bow Fell, Brownsover, Rugby CV21 1JF