Welcome to the Brownsover Website
brought to you by Brownsover Community Association ABOUT USCOMMUNITY CENTREabout us
The Brownsover Community Association (BCA)
BCA is your local contact for anything – and almost everything – that is happening in the Brownsover Community to the north of Rugby in Warwickshire. We are a limitedly-funded body receiving funds under a Service Level Agreement with Rugby Borough Council and grants for specific projects. We are your first port of call to find details of what is happening in Brownsover or if you want to contribute to an activity for our community in Brownsover.
We are totally run by volunteers, and although a small group, we are involved in most community activities, either directly, through funding and support, or using our network to help small groups. We can help you to find an appropriate place to run your community activity and possibly help you with start-up funding for a short time until you get going.
We’re about building a strong community in Brownsover!
activities in brownsover
Explore what you
can do for your
community and what
it offers for you!
Be a part of it!
What We Do
In addition to managing the recently completed Community Centre, the BCA itself also runs the Brownsover Buddy Club. While being a job club, this also aims to provide support for anyone who needs help with anything that requires internet access and computer skills. It helps by signposting people or just offering a cup of coffee, a biscuit and a friendly chat.
The BCA has helped to set up, and continues to support, things like The Brownsover Brew, a drop-in-centre for coffee and childrens activities on Tuesday afternoons at the Church, and the Brownsover Art Group which also meets there. We work closely with Christ Church, where other sponsored events all meet, including an over 50s ‘Active Aging’ group, and Teddy Bears mums and toddlers group (amongst other things).
your contact
We are your first port of call to find details of what is happening in Brownsover or if you want to contribute to an activity for our community in Brownsover
We have established a range of procedures that will identify what local people want and need; to improve the name, reputation and perception of Brownsover; to establish a secure and confident neighbourhood and to make information and opportunities, accessible to Brownsover residents through leaflets, community newsletters and notice boards, websites, surgeries, forums, etc.
commitment with all
Our aim is to demonstrate a commitment to all sections of the community, to improve the quality of life for all Brownsover residents, and to establish a range of effective networks and partnerships between the Brownsover communities and statutory and voluntary agencies.
We channel the youth needs of the estate through an appropriate youth-led forum and have established a range of effective networks and partnerships between the Brownsover communities and statutory and voluntary agencies. We hold the lease for the local Youth Hut which is professionally managed by “On Track” a youth Services provider, which meets many weekday evenings.
run your activity
We can help you to find an appropriate place to run your community activity and possibly help you with start-up funding for a short time until you get going
our facebook page
Close to 2500 followers the “Brownsover Community” page has been set up by the Brownsover Community Association. It is open for all to post photos or information about forthcoming events or things of interest to people living in Brownsover. It can also be used to ask questions which hopefully someone will be able to answer.
we would love to hear from you
Contact Us
Bow Fell, Brownsover, Rugby CV21 1JF